How To Make A Bed Professionally

Making a bed professionally is not as easy as it looks, but with the right tools and some practice, you can become an expert at making beds quickly and easily!

In this article, we’ll be taking you through how you can make a bed professionally.

Making A Bed Professionally: Tools & Techniques

The first thing that you need to know about how to make a bed professionally is what kind of equipment you will need.

You will need to have a few different items on hand in order to get started.

Here are some things that you should consider having around before you start making your own bed:

  • A mattress cover or two – These are very important because they protect your mattress from getting dirty and help keep dust out of your room. They also prevent any stains from being left on your sheets when you change them.
  • A box spring – This is something that you might want to invest in if you plan on using your bed for more than one year. It keeps your mattress off the floor and prevents sagging over time.
  • A pillowcase – This is another item that you should always have in your home. Pillowcases are great because they can be used to clean up spills and stains on your bedding. If you don’t have a pillowcase handy, then you could use a regular sheet instead.
  • An ironing board – This is a must-have item for anyone who makes their own bed every day. Ironing boards come in all shapes and sizes, so you may find that there is one that works best for you. The key here is finding one that has a surface large enough to hold your mattress.
  • A sewing machine – This is another essential tool for anyone who wants to make their own bed. Sewing machines come in many styles and models, so you will want to choose one that fits your needs.
  • A seam ripper – This is a small tool that you will use to remove stitches from fabric. It is useful for removing those pesky little stitches that you never notice until after you put your new comforter on.
  • A measuring tape – This is a helpful tool for ensuring that everything is placed evenly across your bed. By doing this, you will ensure that your bed is perfectly level and that no corners stick out too far.
  • A ruler – This is useful for ensuring that your measurements are accurate.
  • A cutting mat – Cutting mats are necessary for cutting out pieces of material like fabric and paper.
  • Scissors – For cutting out pieces of fabric and other materials.
  • Tissues – When you are trying to cut out a piece of fabric, you will often end up tearing it. Having tissues nearby will save you from having to throw away your work.
  • Safety pins – To pin down loose Scissors are needed for trimming down materials like curtains and other fabrics.
  • Fabric scissors – Fabric scissors are needed for cutting out patterns and for trimming down the fabric.
  • Needles – Needles are needed for sewing together multiple layers of fabric.
  • Thread – Thread is needed for stitching together multiple layers of fabric and for hemming edges.
  • Seam sealer – Seam sealers are used to stop threads from fraying.
  • Spray starch – Spray starch is for the ends of fabrics and other materials.

Once you have gathered all of these items together, you are ready to begin making your bed.

Follow along below for step-by-step instructions on how to make a bed properly.

Step 1: Place Your Mattress On Top Of Your Box Spring

Step 1: Place Your Mattress On Top Of Your Box Spring

The first thing that you need to do is lay your mattress on top of your box spring.

Doing this ensures that your mattress is at its proper height and that it won’t sag over time.

Once the mattress is positioned correctly, you can move on to the next steps.

Step 2: Measure And Cut Out Your Pillows

The next step involves taking care of each individual pillow individually. You will start with the pillows that cover the sides of your bed.

These pillows are called headboards or footboards.

They are usually made of wood and are meant to keep your head and feet off of the cold floor.

Next, you will measure the length of the side of your bed. Then, you will cut out two identical pieces of fabric.

One of them should be about three inches longer than the other.

After you have cut out both pieces, you will fold the shorter piece in half and then sew it shut.

Repeat this process for the other side of your bed.

Step 3: Make The Headboard

Now that you have finished cutting out the headboard, you will need to attach it to the side of your bed frame.

First, take your screws and screw the headboard into place.

Next, take your mattress protector and staple it onto the back of the headboard.

Finally, you will need to add some decorative fabric to the front of the headboard.

Step 4: Add Some Decorative Pillow Covers

Next, you will want to add some decorative pillow covers to the sides of your bed so that they look nice and match your room decor.

Take your pillow covers and position them on the side of your bed where you want them to go.

Then, use your safety pins to hold them in place.

Step 5: Sew The Pillow Covers Together

Next, you will need to stitch the pillow covers together using thread.

This is an easy task because there are only four corners to stitch up.

Start by taking one corner and pulling it through the material until it comes out the other side.

Then, repeat this process for the remaining three corners.

Step 6: Finish Up With A Curtain Or Blanket

Finally, you will need something to cover the open end of your bed.

For most people, this means adding either a curtain or blanket.

If you choose to add a curtain, you will need to find a way to hang it.

If you decide to add a blanket, you will simply need to tuck it under the bottom edge of the mattress.

Either option works just fine.


So, there you have it.

Making a bed professionally can easily be done, provided that you have sourced the correct materials to ensure that your finished product is the best that it can be.