How To Check Mattress For Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny insects that feed on humans, typically at night.

Bed bugs are usually found in mattresses, box springs, pillows, and other furniture items.

If you're being bitten and are concerned about bed bugs, you might be wondering:

How do you check a mattress for bed bugs?

In this article, I will cover some key information on how to check a mattress for bed bugs.

So, let's get started.

You should never sleep in a room where you suspect bed bugs.

If you see signs of them, contact a pest control professional immediately.

The sooner the problem is taken care of, the better your chances of getting rid of these pests.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown or black insects with flat bodies. They can be up to 1/8 inch long.

They have eight legs and two antennae.

Their body structure makes it difficult to spot them without using special equipment, as they are able to hide during the day and come out at night to feed on you as you sleep.

Where Do Bed Bugs Live?

As the name suggests, bed bugs live in and around the bed.

The most common places they hide include cracks and crevices around the headboard, near the label of the mattress, and on the mattress itself.

These areas can be tricky to inspect visually because bed bugs can easily blend into their surroundings.

The best way to find an infestation is by inspecting your home thoroughly. You should look at every nook and cranny.

If you are dealing with a severe infestation, then your inspection should include under beds, nearby cushions, as well as curtains and any other place where bed bugs could hide.

How Do You Get Bed Bugs?

You can come into contact with bed bugs in a variety of different places, such as hotels.

While you cannot catch bed bugs from a person, they can infest your clothes, baggage, and purses without you even realizing it until you have your very own infestation in your own home.

How Do You Know If Your Mattress Has Been Infested With Bed Bugs?

How Do You Know If Your Mattress Has Been Infested With Bed Bugs

It's likely that you're being bitten in the night if you seem to think you have bed bugs, as this is one of the first signs that will allude to the problem.

Bed bugs can be hard to spot, but there are a variety of signs that you can look out for.

If you think there may be bed bugs in your home, take note of the following symptoms:

  • Itchy bites or welts on your skin
  • Red spots on your skin
  • Dark spots that are bed bug excrement
  • Bloodstains on sheets, blankets, pillowcases from where the bed bugs have been crushed by your body as you sleep
  • Small red bumps on your skin
  • Crushed eggs

So, if you think you've got bed bugs due to these signs, how do you check a mattress for bed bugs?

How To Check Mattress For Bed Bugs

The first thing you need to do when checking your mattress for bed bugs is to remove all the sheets and blankets from it.

This will help you identify any potential hiding spots.

Next, look for any cracks or crevices around the mattress frame. These can provide an entry point for bed bugs.

You can also use a flashlight to search under the mattress.

Once you've inspected the entire mattress, take a few steps back and inspect the area surrounding it.

Look for any signs of bed bug activity such as droppings, eggs, or bites on your skin or your partner's skin.

When searching for bed bugs, make sure you wear protective clothing such as gloves and boots.

Also, use a flashlight and magnifying glass to inspect.

If you find anything suspicious, it's essential to call a pest control professional right away.

Treating your bed for bed bugs requires professional intervention. Failure to do so could result in the infestation spreading.

Although bed bugs cannot spread from person to person in the same way that lice can, they can travel on clothes.

This means that if you have certain clothes that the bed bugs have infested, you could in theory spread them to other areas of your home if you're not careful.

Are Bed Bugs Visible To The Naked Eye?

Yes, bed bugs can be visible to the naked eye.

That being said, due to their flat bodies that allow them to hide in small crevices, they can be trickier than you might initially think to spot.

Bed bugs typically have brown bodies, but they may look red if they have recently fed.

Who Should You Call If You Have Bed Bugs?

A bed bug infestation is a serious situation.

If you find signs of bed bugs in your home, you will need to call a professional immediately.

You should contact a local pest control company who has experience treating bed bugs.

They'll know what treatment methods work best against bed bugs and which ones don't.

They'll also be able to inspect your home and confirm whether or not your home is currently infested.

So, if you have your suspicions but haven't found concrete evidence yet, it's still worth giving them a call.

How Do You Prevent Getting Bed Bugs In The Future?

When it comes to staying in hotels, make sure that you store your luggage off the ground and the bed.

When you return home from your trip, you will need to make sure that you wash the clothes from your trip and put them in a hot dryer.

This process will help to get rid of any bugs that you have come into contact with on your trip.


As we mentioned earlier, bed bugs are very small and difficult to detect.

However, with the right tools and knowledge, you can easily locate them and treat them effectively.

Hopefully after reading this article you have a better understanding of bed bugs.

Remember, if you notice any signs of bed bugs, don't hesitate to contact a pest control professional.